Lebron James Charter School will Now Provide Student's Families Housing

I swear I can not say enough good things about this man and his mission.

According toESPN, the LeBron James Family Foundation and Graduate Hotels announced their plans for the “I Promise Village” by Graduate Hotels, which will help “I Promise students whose families might be fighting challenges such as homelessness, domestic violence or other traumatic or unsafe situations.”

LeBron spoke about the development of the homes and said, “Initially, our work was focused on helping these kids earn an education. But we’ve found that it is impossible to help them learn if they are struggling to survive — if they are hungry, if they have no heat in the freezing winter, if they live in fear for their safety. We want this place to be their home where they feel safe, supported, and loved, knowing we are right there with them every step of the way as they get back on their feet.”

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